Leo Takes A Bath.jpg
Leo Gets Ready For BathTime By Corlette Douglas CMYK 4-5.2.jpg
Leo Gets Ready For BathTime By Corlette Douglas CMYK Proper specs PAGES 12-13 copy 2.jpg
Subway color.1.jpg
subway 2 pigeon attack.2.jpg
muesum visit.jpg
Leo Wakes Up Grumpy.jpg
Leo booklet leo wakes up angry by Corlette Douglas page 10-11 copy.jpg
Leo booklet leo wakes up angry by Corlette Douglas page 14-15 copy.jpg
Leo booklet leo wakes up angry by Corlette Douglas page 20-21 copy.jpg
Off to the muesum book mock up copy.jpg
show n tell show off color spread tiny fixes .jpg
love bug roller service-Recovered copy.jpg
Roller girl teen black and white-Recovered 2 copy.jpg
Leo Looks for Boo Book Mock up copy.jpg
Leo looks for boos spread book mock up copy.jpg
lEO lOOKS fOR bOO spread pages 8-9.jpg
Roller girl lady bug black and white copy.jpg
Leo and tammy playdate page 10-11.jpg
Clemtentine mock up cover copy.jpg
vintage clemintine copy.jpg
Leo and Tammy have a playdate page 12-13.jpg
The Muppet king cover mock up copy.jpg
muppet king line up white space.jpg
BABY GETS quiet time for site for tearsheet.jpg
sweater show off characters.1.jpg
Mermaid song B and W.jpg
chowder gets in the deep end color finish.jpg
rockin babysitter copy.jpg
sisters nail day copy.jpg
rockstar baby sitter thumbnails copy.jpg
Who invited the Hammerhead Shark.jpg
248993630_391099192703058_7393039505591571813_n (1).jpg
color spread 6 and 7  copy2.jpg
dollhouse house madness .jpg
Leo Takes A Bath.jpg
Leo Gets Ready For BathTime By Corlette Douglas CMYK 4-5.2.jpg
Leo Gets Ready For BathTime By Corlette Douglas CMYK Proper specs PAGES 12-13 copy 2.jpg
Subway color.1.jpg
subway 2 pigeon attack.2.jpg
muesum visit.jpg
Leo Wakes Up Grumpy.jpg
Leo booklet leo wakes up angry by Corlette Douglas page 10-11 copy.jpg
Leo booklet leo wakes up angry by Corlette Douglas page 14-15 copy.jpg
Leo booklet leo wakes up angry by Corlette Douglas page 20-21 copy.jpg
Off to the muesum book mock up copy.jpg
show n tell show off color spread tiny fixes .jpg
love bug roller service-Recovered copy.jpg
Roller girl teen black and white-Recovered 2 copy.jpg
Leo Looks for Boo Book Mock up copy.jpg
Leo looks for boos spread book mock up copy.jpg
lEO lOOKS fOR bOO spread pages 8-9.jpg
Roller girl lady bug black and white copy.jpg
Leo and tammy playdate page 10-11.jpg
Clemtentine mock up cover copy.jpg
vintage clemintine copy.jpg
Leo and Tammy have a playdate page 12-13.jpg
The Muppet king cover mock up copy.jpg
muppet king line up white space.jpg
BABY GETS quiet time for site for tearsheet.jpg
sweater show off characters.1.jpg
Mermaid song B and W.jpg
chowder gets in the deep end color finish.jpg
rockin babysitter copy.jpg
sisters nail day copy.jpg
rockstar baby sitter thumbnails copy.jpg
Who invited the Hammerhead Shark.jpg
248993630_391099192703058_7393039505591571813_n (1).jpg
color spread 6 and 7  copy2.jpg
dollhouse house madness .jpg
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